If you are a regular sponsor and are here looking for the 2023 sponsorship form you can shortcut everything below and get the 2023 sponsorship form here.
If you are new to sponsoring the festival, wanting to refresh your memory, or just curious about what’s available and how it works … read on for details.
Our Standard Sponsors Package
This is the package that most of our sponsors go for. It includes:
– 10 tickets for general admission at any session
– These tickets are the only way you can get in to the early hour, 5pm-6pm on Thursday, for sponsors only
– £10 of beer tokens for everyone attending the 5pm-6pm Thursday sponsors’ session
– Your name over a barrel
– Your name and details in the festival programme and linked from our website
The price for this package is £135.
If you are doing the maths, yes, you are right. If you compare this price to admission, plus £10 of beer tokens at the Thursday sponsors’ session, you can see how good a value it is.
It gets better still if you are sponsoring as a business. Tick YES on the form and we will send you a receipt to take the cost through your accounts and save a bit of tax. Book it as client consultations or entertaining or team development.
Our Standard Sponsors Package With 2 x Priority Entry Tickets
This is our standard sponsors package with the addition that two of the tickets guarantee priority entry. What’s priority entry? It will bypass any queue we have up until 7:30pm. Priority entry tickets are the only way to bypass the queue!
The package includes:
– 2 priority entry tickets that will bypass the queue up until 7:30pm (for any session)
– 8 tickets for general admission at any session
– These tickets are the only way you can get in to the early hour, 5pm-6pm on Thursday, for sponsors only
– £10 of beer tokens for everyone attending the 5pm-6pm Thursday sponsors’ session
– Your name over a barrel
– Your name and details in the festival programme and linked from our website
The price for this package is £155.
Bar Sponsors
If you want to do something a bit bigger than our standard package, this could be for you.
Sponsoring a bar includes all the benefits of our standard package plus a large banner over a bar with your company name, logo, and message.
This package also includes 10 normal sponsors’ entry tickets with the option to upgrade two of them to priority entry.
The price for this package is £250, or £270 with the 2 x tickets upgraded to priority entry.
Glass Sponsors
Want to go bigger still? This option is the one for you and, let’s be honest, it’s so cool it’s ridiculous. Sponsor the glass and we will put your company name and logo onto this year’s 3,500 festival glasses. Yep, cool huh!
The price for this starts at £500 as we tailor it to you specific requirements with tickets, admission, priority entry, and all the other goodies.
If you want to feel like the coolest person in the festival, get in touch to sponsors@bentnbongs.com and we’ll get some info out to you.
Sorry folks. Glass sponsors for 2023 are now full. If you want to get ahead for 2024 get in touch and we’ll keep you at the top of the list.
Something Bigger or Smaller
The above are our standard type packages but we can usually do something bigger or smaller if it suits you. Send us an email to sponsors@bentnbongs.com, tell us what you have in mind, and we’ll see what we can do for you. Examples include:
– Increasing the number of tickets in your package
– Upgrading more tickets to priority entry
– Adding the VIP room (see below)
– Building a personal package with just a few tickets to get yourself and friends in to the 5pm-6pm Thursday Sponsors’ Session.
The Thursday 5pm-6pm Sponsors’ Session
N.B. This is for sponsors only. If you are reading this and you are not sponsoring the festival, DO NOT turn up at 5pm on Thursday. You will not get in.
We run the Thursday sponsors’ session to say Thank You to you, our sponsors. We open to the general public at 6pm on Thursday, but we open an hour earlier for sponsors only at 5pm. This first hour is sponsors only and, well, it’s pretty cool to have the whole festival to yourself.
It’s a great opportunity to mingle with like-minded people, be the first to the beers, grab a seat, grab a bite to eat, and generally see the festival exactly as it was set-up.
When you arrive before 6pm we will give you a sheet of £10 worth of tokens so that your first few beers are on us.
These tokens work just like the tokens at the public sessions. You buy your beer with them. It makes your first £10 of beer absolutely free.
That’s right – if you are doing the maths in your head, if you can get all 10 people into the Sponsors’ hour the package is effectively free. If you’re wondering what the catch is … there isn’t one! Seriously! We’re a charity. We aren’t into catches and gotchas. We just want you to bob along and have a brilliant time.
These free tokens don’t expire at 6pm so you can use them any time through Thursday night. This way you don’t need to feel like you have to drink quickly in order to get your money’s worth. You can enjoy a few beers, have a chat and a catch-up with the people you are with and generally have a chilled out time before the festival gets busier when the general public arrive at 6pm onwards.
If your tokens run out during the sponsors’ hour, fear not as the token desk is open and selling regular tokens. You can top up your token supply any time you wish. If you want to try some of the more expensive beers, or you’ve come with a raging thirst, the token desk is there for you. You can use up your free tokens quickly, or you can savour the taste of every mouthful and use them well into the night. The choice is yours. The only difference with the sponsors’ beer tokens is that you cannot cash them in when leaving the festival. So be sure to use them first.
I mean – what’s not to love about this? You’re the first into the festival. There’s a lovely laid-back feel. Every beer is available. There’s no rush. There’s no queue at the bars. There are seats a-plenty. It is beer festival heaven.
The VIP Room
Up front disclosure. This is expensive. It’s a VIP Room! If expensive is not for you skip forward.
This is the ultimate Beer Bash VIP experience. It’s available to small groups only and gives you exclusive access to the VIP lounge at the roller rink.
This means guaranteed seating on the sofas and comfy chairs in the roller rink’s lounge. You can use it however you want. Catch up and chat with friends. Head to the bar to grab a beer. Chill for a bit. Bob out to listen to the band. Pick-up something to eat. We provide the space, how you use it is up to you.
The price for the VIP Room is £40 per person. This includes (for each person):
– A priority entry ticket*
– £10 of beer tokens
– Your group’s use of the VIP lounge
* – The priority entry ticket gets you straight in to the festival. It enables you to bypass any queue.
This really is beer festival exclusivity at its best.
The VIP Room is available only to small groups (minimum 5 people) on a session by session basis. That is when you book it you book the VIP Room for a specific session; either Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday 12 – 5pm, or Saturday 5pm – 9pm.
If you are interested, please get in touch via sponsors@bentnbongs.com so that we can get back to you with more details and take it from there.
Programme Advertising
We offer advertising space in the festival programme. Anything from a quarter page up to a full page including the back and inside covers. It’s an affordable way to reach people; most of whom are local, most of whom enjoy a few beers, a night out with friends, something good to eat, and a bit of entertainment.
Let’s be honest. Advertising with us isn’t likely to make you an overnight billionaire or buy you the island next to Richard Branson. But with 3,000 to 4,000 people (mostly local) visiting the festival over the three days, it certainly can’t hurt.
If you are interested send us an email to advertising@bentnbongs.com and we’ll send you the rate card for programme adverts.
What To Do Next
If you want to sponsor the 2023 festival, download the 2023 sponsors form, fill in the details, and send it back to us to the address shown on the form. By all means keep it electronic if you can and email a scan back to sponsors@bentnbongs.com.
If you want to do something bigger or smaller than our standard packages, or you want to sponsor a bar or use the VIP room, send us an email to sponsors@bentnbongs.com and we will get in touch and work it all out with you.
For advertising in the festival programme please email us on advertising@bentnbongs.com and we’ll get straight back to you.
We can never say this enough. Thank You to all you wonderful people for supporting the festival. We couldn’t run this event without you, and for that, and on behalf of the charities we support, we are eternally grateful.